Volunteering Barnet – the organisation set up in partnership between Groundwork London and Barnet Council to provide a volunteering brokerage service for the borough - is proud to announce that they have officially been awarded the Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation (VCQA).
The accreditation assures the public and others in the charity, faith and voluntary sector that the organisation is providing a high quality volunteering service, according to the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)*.
There are five core functions of a Volunteer Centre that the VCQA standards covers:
• Strategic Development of Volunteering
• Good Practice Development
• Developing Volunteering Opportunities
• Voice of Volunteering
• Brokerage
Stephen Evans, Director of Strategy, Communications & Customer Services, said “It is great that Volunteering Barnet has achieved this accreditation so quickly, having only been set up last year. Many Barnet residents already volunteer and we hope that the service that Volunteering Barnet can provide to individuals and businesses looking to volunteer – and charities across the borough which are looking for volunteers – continues to inspire and support our residents into volunteering”
If you would like to register with the Volunteering Barnet as a volunteer or an organisation, then please visit www.volunteeringbarnet.org.uk or email enquiry@volunteeringbarnet.org.uk. Alternatively you can also call 0300 365 9960 to talk to a member of staff about the service that is offered.
*The NCVO are the governing and regulatory body for all volunteering services in England.