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Street Scene services to remain in-house

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The improved in-house model would mean staff would continue to be employed by the council, with the service transformed over the next 12 to 18 months. It would also enable the service to achieve savings as well as deliver its objectives to: • Re-use, recycle, or compost 50 per cent of all waste the council collects • Provide services to residents and businesses that are cost effective, easy to use, and help people do the right thing • Keep Barnet clean and green • Support a thriving local economy • Get investment in public spaces

Residents love living in Barnet

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The survey results, taken from autumn 2017, found that 85 per cent of residents were satisfied with the local area, which is in line with the results from the previous survey in spring. In addition to this, 75 per cent of the residents surveyed feel like they belong to the local area and 75 per cent see Barnet as a family-friendly place to live. Since 2013 overall satisfaction with the council has been consistently above the national average. In the most recent survey 65 per cent of residents are satisfied with the council, which is now in line with the national average.

Committee members approved the recommendation that Barnet Council will undertake the review, with a view to bringing a final business case to committee in the autumn. The business case will test all the options put forward in the report at last night’s committee. The review reflects the council’s ongoing commitment to ensuring service delivery arrangements are as effective and efficient as possible. It also takes account of both the positive benefits the contract has delivered and the new strategic approach outlined by Capita earlier this year.

Pupils celebrate 2018 A-level exam success

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Barnet’s results remain high this year, continuing to exceed national averages, with this year’s results matching those recorded 12 months ago. The results come amid further expansion of the new linear A-levels which focus mainly on exam results in determining a final grade, rather than classroom assessment carried out by teachers. Results received so far in Barnet show 98.5% of A-level examinations were awarded an A* to E grade. This is above the national average of 97.6%.

Feedback sought on waste regulations

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

To help to continue to keep the borough clean, the council is planning to introduce guidelines to keep High Streets free of litter, fly-tipped material and clutter. A key feature of the guidelines is to introduce “time-banded” collections in Barnet’s High Streets, meaning residents and businesses affected would only be able to be place waste and recycling out for collection at restricted times.

Views sought on 2016/17 budget

Last updated: 8 February, 2019

The final decision on the 2016/17 budget will be taken at Full Council on 1 March, informed by responses to the consultation.  Barnet Council faces a savings gap of £81 million between 2016 and 2020, which is in addition to budget savings of £75 million that have already been achieved since 2010. 

Council delivers Easter treats for young patients

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

Barnet Council has delivered nearly 200 Easter treats to children in hospitals across the borough.  The council’s Streetscene service collected 160 Easter eggs and 32 tubs of chocolate bars, all generously donated by Barnet  Council staff.

In search of 2017 Civic Award winners

Last updated: 19 November, 2018

The awards, which are now in their 17th year, are a chance for the borough to officially recognise the dedication and hard work of those who strive to make a positive difference to people’s lives. Anyone wishing to submit a nomination can do so up until 31 December 2016. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony held in March next year hosted by the Worshipful the Mayor of Barnet, Councillor David Longstaff.

Members of the Barnet Communities Together Network (CTN) are deeply shocked at the tragic events at Manchester Arena on Monday 22nd May 2017 and share the national condemnation of this atrocious act. Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of those who were killed or injured. 

The sessions are part of a consultation process on the proposal to relocate East Barnet library to new premises at the Victoria Recreation Ground in 2019. This consultation is now open will run until 19 December 2016. Library users are encouraged to attend one of the drop-in sessions for more information, and the consultation document and questionnaire can be obtained in printed form at East Barnet library or online.