
Market position statement

This is a statement of what the care and support market looks like in Barnet and forms an important part of our dialogue with you as providers of services, with our other partners. For residents we hope this provides an overview of the services we have and intend to develop over the coming years. 

This Statement describes the current and potential future demand and supply for adult social care services and our future commissioning intentions. It intends to:

  • set out the direction of travel of Barnet’s adult social care services
  • provide information to you the social care market, to inform and facilitate strategic planning and    development of services aligned to local need
  • ensure the development of services are aligned to local need 
  • foster understanding and provide a basis for constructive and creative dialogue 

Barnet’s Market Position Statement (MPS) is intended to work dynamically and will be updated and refined in partnership with you, other partners and residents. 

Further information on the borough and the Council’s wider strategy and objectives can be found in the Corporate Plan. For more information on the current and future health and care needs of Barnet, please refer to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


Upcoming procurement opportunities

New and upcoming procurement opportunities

How to contact us

If you would like further information, please get in touch with the Adults Joint Commissioning team


By telephone: 020 8359 3396

By post:

Adults Joint Commissioning
London Borough of Barnet
2 Bristol Ave