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Mural honours ‘Queen of the Air’

Last updated: 13 February, 2019

The brightly coloured mural, which now adorns the platform of Cricklewood Station, pays tribute to pioneering aviator Amy Johnson who lived in Cricklewood and set a series of daring long-distance flying records during the 1930s. The artwork, on what was once a whitewashed wall, has been created by internationally renowned street artist Lakwena Maciver using Amy Johnson’s nickname from the time – ‘Queen of the Skies’. The project is part of a London-wide trail to mark the centenary of women’s suffrage.

Barnet’s digital photography winners announced

Last updated: 23 January, 2019

This year’s theme was ”Exchanging Viewpoints”. It consists of taking digital photographs with a focus on “remarkable buildings, property of both public and private owners of our cities”. We had to judge all the entries except from Barnet and there were over 150 pictures to judge. We had to choose the top 10 from each town. The other twin towns judged Barnet’s 13 entries. The top three of each town will receive monetary prizes from the town of Le Raincy of 75 Euros for third place, 100 Euros for second place and 150 Euros for first place.

Update on Children’s Services improvement

Last updated: 23 January, 2019

Inspectors came to the council in late November to conduct their fifth monitoring visit since the council’s Children’s Services were judged to be inadequate in July of last year. The visit focussed on the progress made in help and protection services, including the effectiveness of the council’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in responding to concerns about children. Inspectors also looked at the quality of case recording, as well as management oversight and supervision.

Give the gift of a Civic Award this Christmas

Last updated: 23 January, 2019

All it takes is a short visit to where you put them forward for a Civic Award. You can also nominate someone by emailing or phoning the Mayor’s Office on 020 8359 2179. The only rule is that nominees must live or work in the Barnet borough. This year we are accepting nominations in the following categories:

The competition, which coincided with 70 years of the Finchley Youth Centre in East Finchley, was organised by the council’s Early Help 0-19 Service, and gave Barnet’s young residents the opportunity to enter the borough’s first poetry, photography and art competition for young people. In total, it attracted more than 30 submissions across three age categories - 7-11 years, 12-15 years and 16–18 years (Up to 25 with additional needs). Each artist also provided a written description outlining what inspired them to create their imaginative pieces of work.

The report, which will be presented to Committee this evening (Tuesday 11 December), will recommend that Finance and Strategic HR services transfer from Capita to the council by April 2019, to address performance issues. It also recommends that a phased approach is adopted to review the remaining services, to enable a thorough and full assessment to take place on the best way to deliver them in the future. This approach does not rule out all services being returned to the council.

Drivers prosecuted for blue badge misuse

Last updated: 1 June, 2023

Husband and wife Hamid Taghibeglou, 42, and Maryam Ghasemi, 35, both appeared at Willesden Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday 13 November facing charges of using the same disabled parking permit belonging to a man who had died.

Influence Barnet’s health priorities

Last updated: 23 January, 2019

Everyone is welcome to take part in the questionnaire at – the closing date is Monday next week (3 December). No personal information will be collected as part of the survey, so the information residents provide will be anonymous. Research shows that peoples’ lifestyles are influenced by the environments in which they live, work, study and play. This, in turn, has an impact on their ability to maintain a healthy body weight.

Residents invited to mark Holocaust Memorial Day

Last updated: 9 January, 2020

The speakers for the event will be a representative from the High Commission of the Republic of Rwanda, marking the 25th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, and Professor Tim Blackman from Middlesex University. The Holocaust memorial theme for 2019 is ‘Torn from home’. The memorial service will be held at the Rickett Quadrangle, Middlesex University, in The Burroughs, Hendon, and will begin at 1pm, though attendees are asked to arrive and be seated by 12.45pm.

Victoria Lodge update

Last updated: 15 April, 2019

In response to this, Barnet Council sought legal advice about whether it could enforce a covenant to prevent this development taking place.Barnet Council has been informed that it would not be able to enforce the covenant in place at the Victoria Lodge. Ranjit Bhose QC confirmed that Barnet Council would not be able to enforce the covenant referred to a in conveyance, related to the Lodge, dated 9 August 1898.